Schlagwort-Archive: Zweibrücken

Col-Art in ZWEIBRüCKEN: 7. & 8. Mai 2016

Organisiert von der Stadt Zweibrücken, fand am 7. & 8. Mai 16 ein erfolgreiches Col-Art-Event auf dem Alexanderplatz statt, in Kooperation mit der Produzentengalerie PRISMA.


Acrylic on canvas,   25 / 100 cm  concept: M.K.   Participants: -Rolf von Felten, Paul Esser-Kukulka, -Martin Helmling, -Marc Kuhn

Acrylic on canvas, 25 / 100 cm concept: M.K.
Participants: -Rolf von Felten, Paul Esser-Kukulka, -Martin Helmling, -Marc Kuhn


Since the „renaissance“ of COL as active international art-movement (starting in the end of 2005 in Tepoztlan, Mexico, 38 years after the „birth of Col-Art in Zürich) the most important town in Germany (besides Murnau) for our projects has been ZWEIBRüCKEN, with meanwhile (until 2013) three exhibitions and four events in seven years ! It’s JüRGEN RINCK (see also his pages on Google), who made this possible, and in 2006 we had in his RINCKENHOF a first Col-Art-exhibition, including the realisation of several Col-Art-works.

This painting was started by a child of 3 years (Yannick Fuchs) , who realized the blue part and declared: „It’s the sky!“. I, Marc, did the part in the middle with red mountains, and Norbert Rinck (who was at that time 73 years old) did the land- scape below... 60 / 40 cm     watercolors on paper

This painting was started by a child of 3 years (Yannick Fuchs) , who realized the blue part and declared: „It’s the sky!“. I, Marc, did the part in the middle with red mountains, and Norbert Rinck (who was at that time 73 years old) did the land- scape below…
60 / 40 cm watercolors on paper