Schlagwort-Archive: La Laguna
Exhibition of Col-Art 2011 in La Laguna

From Juli to September 2011 the beautiful gallery „El Castillo“ in La Laguna, Tenerife, shows a large exhibition of Col-Art and the echo on the island is very positive ! On the photo you see Rossana Duran and Jorge Roy Sobrino in front of the large painting “Mi Yucatan“ , realized in the same year in Merida, Mexico.
This work is now part of the collection of the Westerdahl-Museum in Puerto de la Cruz.
Concept: Marc Kuhn About 30 participants in the Castillo-Gallery in La Laguna, with
well-known artists like: -Aixa, -Armin Albrecht, -Rossana Duran, -Tomas Gil Velazquez,
-Siegfried Daniel, -Marcos Lorenzo, -Ariam Lazaro, -Leonardo & Eilyn Brais & many more.
Acrylic on canvas 350 / 150 cm